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News from The Moynihan Group

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Preparedness in Uncertain Times

Preparedness in Uncertain Times

Firstly, I hope that you, your family, friends, employees and volunteers are safe and well, that is of course the most important thing in this crisis.

Whilst we are all grappling with this uncertainty, the one thing that is becoming clearer is that we really are all in this together. When the reality of this crisis hit, our team immediately began compiling information, looking at new ways to engage with our clients, and communicating with our local and state officials.

As we collectively deal with the implications of the COVID epidemic on our families and businesses, I want people to know that our firm is here to help. In many respects, the interaction between business and government has never been more important, and we can assist you in expediting these dialogues. 

Governor Charlie Baker and the Legislature are working together to assist families and businesses throughout the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has a dedicated section of its website that provides up to date information about the virus and resources available to the residents of Massachusetts. Further, you can also sign up for official alerts from the Commonwealth by texting COVIDMA to 888-777

During this public health crisis, we avidly monitor and compile information regarding legislative and regulatory initiatives to assist businesses and employees during the pandemic. Such initiatives include:  

  • Health care workers and first responders;

  • Health and unemployment insurance,

  • Public health;

  • Restaurant and hospitality sector assistance;

  • Municipal governance and elections;

  • Housing security. 

We have also heard from clients concerned about the current legal structure of their business; particularly sole proprietors, who had not made succession plans for the future ownership and management of their business. The Moynihan Group advises on whether the current legal structure of your business makes practical sense in these unpredictable times.  

Please stay safe. If there is any way we can assist you or your business, reach out by contacting us at or call (617) 778-0384.    

Sean Moynihan

Sean Moynihan